Monday, June 18, 2012

Office Lovin

One of my favourite TV shows of all time would have to be The Office. Steve Carell may be the funniest man on Earth in my opinion. I started watching the show and then got my whole famjam into it. We have all of the seasons and love every one of em!
This show has everything you could ever ask for:
1- laugh out loud moments (because of every character in it ever.)
2- love (Jim and Pam 4lyfe)
3- witty banter (Jim and Dwight Danger Shrute)
4- stupidity (Michael Scott)
5- fantastic cast

My favourite character is Jim (John Krasinski). He is hilarious and sarcastic, we would get along very well. But a close second is Dwight Shrute. I have no idea how they come up with what he has to say but whoever does deserves a medal. I sometimes think I want to be friends with him, but then I realize that would probably be hell. He is crazy. And my third fav is Michael Scott of course. The things he does make me cringe and laugh at the same time. Honestly, I have not sat through one episode without laughing out loud at something he's done or said.

I thank the genius's who created this glorious TV show. Well done.

Reading Reflection #8

Book: Twisted
Author: Laurie Halse Anderson
Pages Read: 1 to end

So I finished this book in two days. I liked it a lot. It was a different kind of read because it was from the perspective of a guy. I have read books like that in the past and enjoyed them. Though I liked this book, it was a bit depressing. In the beginning, the dude was kind of no one. But then, things started looking up, and he was happy for a while, and of course getting the girl had the most impact on his attitude. Then, all of a sudden, because of one little mistake, everything went downhill. He lost the girl, his family went bonkers and he wanted to kill himself. Literally shoot himself dead. It was strange reading the thoughts of a suicidal teenager. Sometimes I just wanted to reach into the book and shake him to get him to stop thinking about it. His family was truly crazy. His father was verbally abusive and his mother did nothing to stop it, while his sister just cried. Not exactly a well functioning family. I cant imagine having a family like that. My family is the most important thing in the world to me. If they treated me as this family did to the main character in the story I don't know what I'd do. I guess that's what makes it a tiny bit understandable that he is so miserable. But that certainly doesn't mean suicide is the answer. At least not in my opinion.

In the past I have only read books from the perspective of a female. In the future I'll look to broaden my horizon and read different styles of writing.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Okay, so grad is weeks away, and I don't know about anyone else, but I'm kind of dreading it. Yeah so the dresses and the dinner and the party will all be a good time, but what comes after that? The real world. Seems like the scariest thing I've ever heard. I plan to stay in London, England for three months and live with my sister. We'll travel to Ireland and other places as well. But just the thought of not getting up everyday with a set routine is going to be the hardest thing to accept.
School has been a constant in all of our lives for years. How are we supposed to just jump into the real world, ready for anything? Some people are more brave than others, and it makes sense that they'll be fine. But the rest of us, the ones without a set plan of life goal, or even career of choice, still have to figure it out. I find it just takes more time for some people to sort out their plan. I happen to be one of those people. But I am confident that I will become brave, figure out what I want to do with my life, and accomplish it.

 All of that said, I am still excited to cross graduating high school off my bucket list!

ps. If anyone is bored during convocation, Kelsa and I are going to be playing cards in the H section.

Writing Reflection #7

Well I mostly tried to comment on people's blogs in a positive way. I like the blogs I follow and I wanted to let them know that. I hope it has helped them feel good about what they've accomplished this semester.
It is sometimes hard coming up with something to post on someone elses blog. Not that it's difficult finding things to compliment, just that sometimes a compliment isn't enough, sometimes you want to leave some constructive criticism or something along those lines. The last time I did this I must admit I made a bit more of an effort to go through their blog and find things to write about, but this round I really feel like everyone's blog is well developed and to their style, which is really what it's about isn't it? Their own opinions and thought on their blog? I think so anyways. I hope my blog is as rad as the ones I follow. I tried anyways!

Reading Reflection #7

Book: I Am Number Four
Author: Pittacus Lore
Pages read: 1 to end.

I read this book before seeing the movie. I like reading the books before seeing the films based upon them because I like to make a picture in my head of what the characters look like and I prefer knowing what they're really thinking rather than guessing when the actor does some kind of look that is supposed to represent suspicion but comes across as having to go to the bathroom. In this case, I enjoyed the book more than the movie. A lot happened in the book that was left out in the movie. Which is always disappointing. There is a lot of action in it which is cool and always a good read. Also a bit of love, which never hurts in my opinion. I found it to be a bit frustrating though, the whole book is kind of about these people from a different world trying to escape theses other people trying to kill them. It's frustrating what they should be doing to hide, but just don't do it. I don't understand! You could die any second. I'd say that is the time to take all possible precautions. Just a thought.

I bought the second book as well. It's called I Am Number Six. I haven't had a chance to read it but I hope it will be as good as the first.

Can we just take a second to talk about the authors name? Who names their child Pittacus? News flash, y'all just made up a name. Well Pittacus, I respect your books, but unfortunately not your name.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Personal Addition about Personal Additions.

Alright. So this is a personal addition post about personal additions (how creative am I?).
May I just say, personal additions have been a struggle for me. The fact we can write about anything, is so broad it's hard to think of a specific thing to write about. I am nowhere near the right amount for what we should be by now. Not that I have been ignoring my blog, just that it takes me some time to think of a topic I can write about and actually write it.
But I'd say writing a personal addition about personal additions is pretty forward thinking on my part. Not to toot my own horn or anything.
*toot toot*

Don't worry, more actual personal additions to come!

Booked I've read this semester

1. Scar Tissue - Anthony Kiedis
2. Twisted - Laurie Halse Anderson
3. The Lucky One - Nicholas Sparks